Massive development update with new downloadable demo

Mars Commander is getting closer to its full release. That’s why we’ve released a new demo version with lots of improvements. Here’s a list with many of them.


  • Removed the glass from the FPS cockpit to make the game’s colors pop.
  • Added motion blur effect and chromatic aberration.
  • Fixed a graphical bug where the ground in front of the player was sometimes too dark.
  • Adjusted the positions of all weapons for the player, making them look a lot better.
  • Increased the size of all mission maps to make the game more immersive.
  • Created two additional main light sources that affect only vehicles and buildings respectively, with the idea being to make them stand out more.


  • Redid the UI for the RTS portion of the game to make it more intuitive.
  • Changed the font type.
  • Added 3d effect for the minimap and for unit info in FPS Mode.
  • Added various small UI animations, such as for unit health and ammo depletion
  • Added a picture to show who is speaking for all mission story texts.
  • Added a database with units and structure to the Main Menu.
  • Changed the title font type.
  • Added an intro at the start of a new campaign to give more context to what the player is doing.
  • Add a hints and tips section to the main menu that is different for missions.
  • Greatly improved the minimap visuals.
  • Made the minimap in RTS Mode clickable.
  • Added images for each selected unit in RTS Mode, and made these clickable to switch to their respective cockpits.


  • Added breaking to all units
  • Improved the way that Move orders work, especially their cancellation when finished.


  • Removed manual Unit Production, but added automatic reinforcement during missions. (The idea is to create a smoother gameplay experience that focuses on the game’s core strengths).
  • Made time stop during RTS Mode to give the player time to breathe and think. 
  • Slightly increased the speed of all units
  • Added Zoom Scope functionality to all units, but made sure to give Turrets an increased maximum zoom.
  • Added manual pan controls to RTS mode.
  • Added zoom controls to RTS mode.
  • Changed unit switching from being UI based to being mouse-based. 
  • Made structures placeable in RTS Mode instead of FPS Mode.
  • Made orders executable in RTS Mode instead of FPS Mode.
  • Story texts can now be advanced with both Tab and Enter.
  • Made camera view rotation in FPS Mode (up and down) only possible when zoomed in, to create a more realistic feeling.
  • Removed the functionality to switch to buildings, as this didn’t add anything to the game. Other units, including turrets, are still switchable.


  • Changed all background music tracks to create a more dystopian settings
  • Created a more immersive “jump” sound for vehicles.

Files 2 GB
Jun 26, 2023

Get Mars Commander

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