Updated demo available now

We've just released an improved Mars Commander demo. Here are some notable improvements.


- Units now dip forwards, to the side, or backwards when moving, depending on the direction they're traveling in. 

- The unit you control does the same, leading to much improved immersion.

- Units are now much smarter in when deciding when to jump and when not.

- Improved unit avoidance to make sure they don't overreact to nearby units.


- Fixed a bug where the player could sometimes fire two weapons simultaneously. 

- Fixed a major bug that caused the player to RECEIVE 150% damage instead of DISH OUT 150% damage. This means the unit you control is now much more powerful. 

- Fixed a bug where repairing or constructing a unit did not lead to completing the appropriate objective.

- Fixed a bug that caused the Engineering's "Building Placeholder" to remain visible when it shouldn't be. 

- Removed a bug where you had to click multiple times to advanced through the Engineering's construction menu, instead of just once.


- Added engine lights that only turn on when a unit moves.

- Most weapons have been redone to improve their visual effects.

- Made the terrain graphics a bit brighter to improve the terrain's overall look.

- Improved terrain graphics by tweaking texture "normal noise",  a technique that allows textures to have multiple normal maps, thereby improving their overall aesthetic. 

- Removed volumetric lights from mobile units and used emission maps instead, leading to more realistic lighting. 

- Added better ambient occlusion on the terrain. This technique renders "mini shadows" on terrain textures, which improves the overall visuals. 

- Added a sand particle effect for all mobile units, making them better visible and more dynamic to look at.

- Tweaked the look of the game's Main Menu. 

- Improved cockpit visuals and added useful unit info on the dashboard. 


- Removed attack and defend orders to make choosing the right order a bit easier.

- Added an Order Filter to allow you to choose between units that attack, units that support, or both. This is quite convienient when you don't want to send your Engineers into the thick of battle! 

- Removed 200 from your Order Range options and added a custom range of one unit that is updated continuously. Whatever mobile unit is closest to you is the unit you can command. Order Range 400 and 800 are still available, so you can cycle through all three with ease.

- Restructured mission 3 to make it easier to find your objectives.

- Reduced the difficulty of mission 3.

- Lowered HQ health to make mission 2 a bit harder to complete. 

- Tweaked the weapon power of enemy units to make the game more balanced. 

- Improved the controls of Laser Turrets. 

These are just some of the improvements, tweaks, and fixed that we implemented. Enjoy!


MarsCom Windows.zip 1.7 GB
Jan 27, 2023

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