An evil AI took over Mars (Mars Commander story)

Over the past 6 months, more than a few testers and other acquaintances have asked me about Mars Commander's story. While just the setup, here is a snippet. 


An evil AI has taken over Mars. 

After serving our civilization for decades, it turned on us without warning. 

Most of our major cities were taken out in days, collapsing our civilization in one fell swoop.

The AI even took over our orbital satellites, thereby preventing communications with Earth.

Just like that, we were on our own.

Our brave citizens continued to fight, of course, but their efforts were in vain.

We lost battle after battle, and were forced to retreat ever deeper into the Martian wastes.

After months of warfare, the remnants of our civilization banded together and formed an initiative in secret.

We gathered our best soldiers, and trained them using newly-formulated AI techniques.

Though successful, the program was cut short when the AI discovered our hidden base during one of its routine patrols.

It immediately dispatched an attack force, with the sole goal of wiping humanity out.

It almost managed to do so too, as only a handful of us managed to survive.

Scrambling towards the hills, we managed to secure an array of machinery, though we were now perilously short on personnel to operate them.

As for our warriors, we had only one left.


As the Martian Army’s sole survivor, it has fallen upon you to defeat our AI overlord, and restore our once proud Martian civilization.

Using several advanced abilities, and state of the art technology, you may just have a chance.

Though our manpower is severely limited, our machinery of war may be operated by AIs of a different kind. 

They’ve been stripped of their consciousness with due care, but have retained all of their cognitive abilities. Their assistance should prove vital, for what better way is there than to fight AI with AI?

Good luck out there, Commander. We’re counting on you to retake Mars.

Files 2.6 GB
Apr 20, 2023

Get Mars Commander

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